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Rainiqui's Wrecktangles πŸ˜‰

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300 pieces
179 solves
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Raini posts 35 and 88 pieces.

Rainiqui posts 165, 300 and 580 pieces.
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  1. amanaplan29:01
  2. silverwolfabyss32:30
  3. doubletrouble33:25
  4. Acko33:52
  5. javimmm37:21
  6. kluga139:02
  7. lievecoekaerts40:35
  8. AIKENMOM41:50
  9. stella12342:14
  10. tintu191042:45


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A pleasure to solve, thanks Raini (*~*)

Thank you! As always, love your puzzles! Robin

Oh so cool!

Loved the puzzle.Thank you. Helps pass the time when in lockdown.

Unusual, colorful and a challenge. Couldn't ask for more. Gracias.

Your puzzle was a joy to solve, thanks for the fun!


very nice Thank You

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