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Before the Garbage Collection Truck Came

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Missy was just having a good afternoon and preparing to take a nap. She felt like a big girl and so independent.
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  1. Jackie480:29
  2. Ianto0:32
  3. Jaz93660:39
  4. dianajnelson0:39
  5. Zemfi0:41
  6. SoniaR0:43
  7. dobrajaneckova0:46
  8. wshealy0:53
  9. marielou0:54
  10. mlmccoy0:56


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@1254GAgirl She really tried to be self-reliant, but then, as you know from the second puzzle, that darn collection truck that eats kittens came and she needed her mother. 😊


@Bugster Me, too! And especially a kitten trying to be a young adult. She still needed her mother as the other photo/puzzle shows. How scared younger kittens and puppies may be when adopted out starting as early as eight weeks old. If they've had a mother or even siblings, they have to wonder where they are. I always send my fosters with little blankets and small toys that have the scents of this home. (I used the soft little baby blankets the dollar store sold, but thrift stores often have better quality ones, also.) 😊


I always feel for the cat when things like that happens. 💕

So proud of herself.

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15 June 2018 - 9 May 2017
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