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Bengal Kitten on a Christmas Lamp Post

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Bridget is a self-taught artist and has been drawing and painting since she was old enough to hold a brush. She enjoys living in beautiful Colorado and finds the surroundings frequently inspires her art. Horses have been a big part of her life from a very young age and she loves painting them, but also enjoys painting birds, cats, dogs, other animals, landscapes, and fantasy scenes.

Bridget’s paintings are one-of-a-kind ACEO (Art Card Originals and Editions) which by definition measure 2.5” x 3.5”, the same as a standard playing card.
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  1. almaaurea9:11
  2. hondagal10:10
  3. woodsanna10:22
  4. Mlowhorne11:59
  5. MollyBear12:00
  6. Lynn12312:50
  7. vet480112:55
  8. Marionm313:40
  9. dianepelletier14:05
  10. LucieGray14:23


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