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"footer" Friday Puzzle 11/29/24 (James R. Barker)

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1 Long 2 Short: Here is the James R. Barker making her departure from Duluth, Minnesota on the afternoon of August 20, 2024. She had just loaded 58,000 tons of coal and was outbound for Lake Superior to eventually delivery her cargo to St. Clair, Michigan. Thank You and Enjoy. :) what a peaceful calm day it looks to be.
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  1. ABSailor13:13
  2. MWG6113:32
  3. biobeanie13:41
  4. mommymagic14:58
  5. 27thstate15:19
  6. kc515015:44
  7. jimbob7716:46
  8. 6934Hotel17:10
  9. Barrel2217:22
  10. sharon244817:45


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You're Welcome @SageRuby and @1long2short

Thank you Brian!


Very nice. Thank you!

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