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Windmill Outside Bisti Wilderness, New Mexico

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New Mexico is lovely at this time of day.


You bet I could--big time!


I could use some sky like that right about now, how about you, Gayle? :-)


You must have some mountains down there somewhere, Kate. No? :-D It is lovely and I'm pleased you liked it.


Not a cloud in the sky. Nice! :-)


Beautiful photo & jigsaw, patw, thank you!
That photo could have been taken almost anywhere in Australia!!!!


I suspect it's hanging in the Albright - minus the windmill, with another strip of color taking its place. ;-)


Such shattering clarity and yet, it would make a great painting. I suspect someone, somewhere has done something just like this. Thanks Pat


Absolutely yes, oddio. And then, at mid-day, check into a motel with good air-conditioning for a siesta so your body doesn't implode. Dry heat, shmy heat. If you don't live there beginning with the cooler seasons and let your body acclimate to the increased temperatures, it is unbearable in the desert.


When traveling through the southwest, one should start each day early enough to see the sunrise. :>)


Yes, with the yellow so intense it looks like it's going to be a hot day.


And that starkness is a good chunk of New Mexico. You can feel the heat of the land too, can't you?


I like the beautiful starkness of this photo. Thanks Pat


Yes, it's one of the things I like about Pinker's photographs - the sharpness and depth.

The colours are beautiful.

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