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Cathedral windows and trim . . . . .

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  1. Ninja20230:06
  2. JillianB0:07
  3. kareng0:07
  4. vfdl470:07
  5. warbler0:08
  6. lenty0:08
  7. Zebrapleco10:09
  8. madhat0:09
  9. Ianto0:11
  10. wshealy0:11


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RenieSnow1013 I thought the baskets were special too. Thanks for posting . . . *U*

Very pretty


Dave, you're right about the porch and all the wood work on the trim should be entertaining to peruse while sipping the cold drink of your choice! TFS . . . Hugs*


Nice house with a lovely porch for sitting. Thanks Voronica!


cappy You're most welcome! TY . . . Hugs*


Jillian, I just had to share this find and thanks for posting . . . Hugs*


valt46 You are most welcome Val, thanks for stopping in . . . Hugs*


1234GAgirl YES it is! Thanks for your note . . . Hugs*


PLG1958 I thought it was pretty special! Thanks for posting Patti . . . Hugs*

Very pretty house. Thank you.


Delightful windows and trim. Great thank you


Fascinating house thank you Voronica ☺♥

The gable trim is totally gorgeous!


Incredible trim! Thanks Voronica!


Ella, I thought it was pretty special too! Thanks so much for posting, you too . . . Hugs*


Amazing, thank you and enjoy your day.

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