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Kitcat in cat tree with mischief in mind

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more plots being planned by the "lady" of the house
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🙆‍♀️🙆‍♂️ Creo que si fuésemos gatos, haríamos exactamente eso mismo para divertirnos 😅👍.

¡Mucha salud y felicidad también para tí y para la comunidad de "jigidi"!.

Saludos desde "Mallorca" (Islas Baleares/España) 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️.


@alumnainfo I see you understand cats well !! 😄 Happy holidays !! 🌺 Lilli

Esperando a que no le vean, para ¡empezar la diversión! 😉😅👌👍👏👏




What a super story Evelyn thanks so for sharing it, love my kitties


Aww, Evelyn, what a sweet story !! Thanks for sharing it with me 💟


@lilliwebs. Sorry, this got a little lost. I could not remember the puzzle I posted the story on, but I remembered about this puzzle last night and chased it down again. KitKat story. In 2014 my friend Katrina's husband Dan was working out in Alberta, so we would "look in" on his mother who lived just outside town. One day she called and said there was a little black and white cat that had been hanging around and she had been feeding it because it was so skinny. She didn't want to let it into the house because she was mobility challenged and was afraid she would trip over it. Well, Katrina's son was looking for a cat. So she told him about this little cat. We captured it and I took it to my house so that he could pick it up. She was so little. He came and got her a couple of days later. It was love at first sight. Well, turned out she was pregnant. She had three kittens. He found nice homes for two of them and kept one. He named the little cat KitKat and he named the kitten Skittles. I thought this was really cute. They are happy and healthy today. 😸😸


@thurman Evelyn, where did you post your story ?? If it's on someone's puzzle, find it and tag me to it...😃 Lilli Thanks
@Nancy1949 Nancy, I had a mother of a turkey, so that leg was huge !! And not a shred of meat left on it 😄


Oh my. My three would have dragged the bone into a "safe place" and finished it off. I totally understand.


@lilliwebs Did you see the story I posted about "our" kitcat and skittles?


They really have such sweet innocent faces, don't they???


@BIGKARLS @thurman enjoy !!




I may have to do this in chapters 😃

We had guests over for Thanksgiving...people were eating, the counter was loaded with food, slightly uncovered to make it easier to get seconds. A nice young man went for seconds, then came back with an unusual question..."Is there any reason there is a large turkey bone in the middle of the kitchen floor floor ??" The smallest member of our house had managed to get a hearty snack !!! 🐾🐾

Kitcat says "Thank you, Anne !!"


Hey there! You are so cute!


This is the first time we've seen Kitcat's beautiful face. Please tell us something about her plots & mischief.

More jigsaw puzzles in the cats category

16 December 2020 - 8 May 2017
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