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Thundereggs ~ What Do You Really Know About Them?

Buchanan Ranch thunderegg, Oregon.
A Thunder Egg “Thunderegg” is a nodule-like rock, similar to a filled geode, that is formed within rhyolitic volcanic ash layers. Thundereggs are rough spheres, most about the size of a baseball—though they can range from less than an inch to over a meter across. They usually contain centers of chalcedony which may have been fractured followed by deposition of agate, jasper or opal, either uniquely or in combination. Also frequently encountered are quartz and gypsum crystals, as well as various other mineral growths and inclusions. Thundereggs usually look like ordinary rocks on the outside but slicing them in half and polishing them may reveal intricate patterns and colors. A characteristic feature of thundereggs is that (like other agates) the individual beds they come from can vary in appearance, though they can maintain a certain specific identity within them.
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  1. 4wings51:14
  2. jbprols1:49
  3. Guiri2:02
  4. wshealy2:03
  5. Isaly22:12
  6. Pekaji2:25
  7. jackandzoe2:39
  8. Bjca2:44
  9. ColdMn2:47
  10. BigCe2:52


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Thank you all for your support, ladies :O)


Congratulations solidrock5806!


Well done @solidrock5806.


Congratulation, Petra! 😊 Well done! You are on a thunderegg roll! LOL! ♪ Debb ♪


We visited The Lawry this July, and for the first time I saw paintings by L.S.Lowry. He did some grat seascape paintings. I owe him a Thanx for the inspiration!!


Two wins in a row for you, @solidrock5806! Way to go, Petra!
Thanks to @wasicu @4wings5 @jodycyotee and @jandchris for playing along.


Debb, I think yours is better. -- "Morning has Broken."


"Beautiful Sea View".


Oh, I like that, Jody 😊 I first read it as "Morning Has Broken." I like your title better! ♪ Debb ♪


'Morning Has Spoken.'



Sheriff's Badge.


Seascape star

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