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always and forever

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  1. samsonik9:17
  2. alexnbarb11:49
  3. jozephine28812:12
  4. marry312:54
  5. amymeyers0113:41
  6. recc7415:42
  7. mimiche16:55
  8. slipper19:14
  9. annerjt20:38
  10. suevestal21:45


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I'm sure I speak for everyone who has lost a precious pet. I have lost two. This inspires all of us and reminds us they loved us just as much as we will always love them. They will always be with us in our hearts. Thank you so much for sharing this. My prayers are with you in your time of grief. The hardest part is watching them suffer. Just be there for him every minute you can.


Brought a tear to my eye. Each of my dogs have taken a special piece of my heart.

This picture says so much love and happiness with animals!.Thank you!.(the Netherlands)


Thank you for your kind words. My dog Samson is old boy now and his health slowly going down, but he is still giving me so much joy and inspiration for my everyday life. I have learned so much about unconditional love and living in a moment. I will be always grateful for that experience. It will be tough, when his time comes, but in my heart I know that souls are immortal. The only way to not experience pain is to not experience love..


exquisite. such unconditional love a dog gives and how much they become a part of our hearts. I really hope you have not experienced such a loss. if you have my heart aches with you.

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