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Flowersellers At Dr. Louises Bro (Queen Louise’s Bridge) In Copenhagen

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The artwork in Today's Daily Jigsaw Puzzle is titled "Flowersellers At Dr. Louises Bro (Queen Louise’s Bridge) In Copenhagen" and the artist is Paul Fischer ♥

Paul Fischer (1860–1934) was a Danish painter who was celebrated for his vivid depictions of Copenhagen’s streets, parks, and everyday life.

Born into a family of lithographers, he worked in the trade before pursuing painting full-time.

His works, blending elements of Impressionism and realism, captured the vibrancy of urban life and modernity, making him one of Denmark’s most popular artists.

Fischer also produced posters and advertisements, reflecting his versatility. His paintings are an enduring chronicle of Copenhagen’s cultural history, offering insight into the city’s evolving landscape and people during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

You can find more information on Paul Fischer here
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  1. mvt3:08
  2. fluffbucket3:10
  3. Luna873:28
  4. JG5463:47
  5. montuos4:04
  6. BEG4:09
  7. felicityjigidi4:11
  8. Anidalai4:17
  9. lorispuzzles4:27
  10. pinkycito4:42


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@bevpuzzler8 @PennyTHD 🤗❤️


A rainy fall day. A good time to go to a bistro for some good soup with crackers and cheese. Gouda is always a tasty choice.


Remember, when Danny Kaye sang the song?


"Wonderful Wonderful Copenhagen" Thank you. 1-17-25


Thank you @bethfried45 !! 😁

I found that it was painted in 1930.

It's a beautiful picture. I enjoyed solving it. Thank you!


@hippo Unfortunately, there's no info on which year was pictured here, but maybe you're right! 🧐


@olando @Hdarlene Thank you for solving!! ❤️😁




Fantastic painter.


Nice pic and puzzle. Looks interwar 1920s or 30s, do you know the date?

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