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  1. GmaBee3:40
  2. Madmick4:40
  3. cuppa135:26
  4. alayton7245:43
  5. Rex5:44
  6. greatgrandma26:13
  7. petsmom6:21
  8. els212:38
  9. dianabee25:01


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oooh! Good to know. AndyDog is my first baby. He has sensitive allergies but that's about it so far.


My little female, Baby, has the same spots. I love her little pink belly with the grey/blue spots. She is about 13 yrs. old and we haven't had any problems with them. We spayed her when we got her at about 2 yrs. old. She had puppies before we got her. Don't know if it's different for boy dogs. This photo looks just like Baby. Chihuahuas are so cute. All of our little babies are cute! Oh, sire means make babies (father puppies).


I didn't know that. I am not sure what sire means though.

This delightful doggie looks very much like my fur kid. Those spots on his belly are an inherited trait. Can get inflamed and infected and needs treatment. I was told my dog should not sire.


Is this really my best side?

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