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No Art - Just Colors 9

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100 pieces
92 solves
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And another experiment.
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  1. Lili388:29
  2. llheim8:40
  3. karkulka28:51
  4. Minibank9:15
  5. Matyas9:25
  6. gwendia9:33
  7. joyw9:46
  8. blondebabydeer10:17
  9. mfgoddard10:20
  10. plavender10:29


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Barevná hádanka pro nedělní letní den. Pěkný celý den.

Beautiful, thank you!Please keep experimenting ♥️♥️♥️

Thank you. I‘m actually happy that I found a possibility to entertain with my doodle.


Another wonderful art puzzle. Thanks!

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