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Sleeping Leo

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Leo is sleeping on top of his brand-new bag. When I gave him the bag today, he explored the inside. As usual, that lasted about three minutes before he sat on it, crushing it flat. The bag is now his forever sleeping place.
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  1. Ianto0:32
  2. Ekieh270:37
  3. pedro11110:42
  4. Jaz93660:43
  5. dobrajaneckova0:44
  6. francine19470:45
  7. madpol0:51
  8. Hornxy0:54
  9. Sunflower0:56
  10. kuljah1:02


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Pam, your wish is my command:


Martha, we're hoping for more pictures of Leo (and any other cats you care to share). 🌺💕




Thank you @Bugster


Is there a cat that doesn't love bags?

Leo is just gorgeous and should admired. I'm glad you posted a new picture of him. Thank you Martha.

@porgy, Izzy is a really cute.


They love a bag !! Mine wait with baited breath for the bag after it is emptied. However, since we have to take a reusable bag now for groceries, as no plastic is allowed, I keep the "grocery" bag, but give them another just like it (cat bag) and they are happy !!


That is so cool, Izzy is a cavapoo, mixture of cavalier spaniel and poodle.


@porgy, Leo is lucky indeed—he gets every bag delivered to our house. I am so glad you stopped by. I was curious about Izzy, so I found a picture on your profile page. He is adorable. A friend gave us a miniature chocolate poodle (Mimi) as a wedding gift an eon ago. It is uncanny how much she looked like Izzy.


Lucky Leo, he looks very comfortable and will enjoy it forever I think, thanks 4felines! Curled up just like our little dog Izzy! Hee hee.

More jigsaw puzzles in the cats category

7 December 2020 - 3 August 2019
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