The Cheetah
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In Today's Daily Jigsaw Puzzle, we admire the cheetah ♥ It is a remarkable big cat known for being the fastest land animal, capable of reaching speeds between 60-70 miles per hour (97-113 km/h) in short bursts. This speed allows cheetahs to catch fast-moving prey such as gazelles and impalas.
Cheetahs have a slender body, long legs, a small rounded head on a long neck, and deep chests. They are easily recognized by their spotted coat and the distinctive black "tear stripes" that run from the inner corners of their eyes down to the sides of their mouths, which help reduce glare from the sun and focus on prey.
Cheetahs inhabit sub-Saharan Africa's grasslands, savannas, and open plains, with a small population surviving in Iran. Unlike other big cats, cheetahs do not roar; instead, they communicate with various vocalizations, including chirps, growls, and purrs.
Cheetah cubs are born after a gestation period of about 90-95 days, usually in litters of 3 to 5. At birth, they are blind, helpless, and weigh between 150 to 300 grams. The cubs are covered in a thick, grayish mantle of fur that helps them blend into their surroundings and protects them from predators. This mantle gradually disappears as they grow older. The mother moves them frequently to avoid detection by predators. Cheetah cubs are particularly vulnerable to predation, and mortality rates are high during the first few months.
By 6 to 8 weeks, cheetah cubs start following their mother and learning essential hunting skills. They typically stay with their mother for about 18-24 months, after which they either disperse or may form coalitions with their siblings in the case of males.
Cheetahs have a slender body, long legs, a small rounded head on a long neck, and deep chests. They are easily recognized by their spotted coat and the distinctive black "tear stripes" that run from the inner corners of their eyes down to the sides of their mouths, which help reduce glare from the sun and focus on prey.
Cheetahs inhabit sub-Saharan Africa's grasslands, savannas, and open plains, with a small population surviving in Iran. Unlike other big cats, cheetahs do not roar; instead, they communicate with various vocalizations, including chirps, growls, and purrs.
Cheetah cubs are born after a gestation period of about 90-95 days, usually in litters of 3 to 5. At birth, they are blind, helpless, and weigh between 150 to 300 grams. The cubs are covered in a thick, grayish mantle of fur that helps them blend into their surroundings and protects them from predators. This mantle gradually disappears as they grow older. The mother moves them frequently to avoid detection by predators. Cheetah cubs are particularly vulnerable to predation, and mortality rates are high during the first few months.
By 6 to 8 weeks, cheetah cubs start following their mother and learning essential hunting skills. They typically stay with their mother for about 18-24 months, after which they either disperse or may form coalitions with their siblings in the case of males.
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