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Freedom Monument Riga, Latvia

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Built in 1935, this was built in honor of the lives lost achieving freedom for Latvia.
Latvia enjoyed an economic and social time of growth between the two world wars, but Russian invasion and years of wars following, sadly curtailed this freedom for the next 50 years.
Freedom returned when the Soviet Union crumbled...may peace reign here forever !!
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  1. andytay9991:20
  2. auntmom71:26
  3. Ianto1:26
  4. DFrnK1:27
  5. racoonstar1:42
  6. junev1:55
  7. qvottrup2:00
  8. RoanokeRose2:03
  9. Jackie482:04
  10. Pekaji2:19


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Mēs bijām Rīgā apmeram 20 gadi atpakaļ. Ceram, ka drīz uz turieni ceļosim atkal 😃.

Vai Tu mēdz braukt arī uz Latviju?

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