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Afternoon Splooter

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Alvar Tiikeri agreed to look up to have his photo taking while splooting. It's a new cooling mat and he's the first to decide it meets their standards. 🐈
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  1. Ninja20230:26
  2. Jaz93660:30
  3. Ianto0:33
  4. Juba10100:33
  5. vala880:36
  6. Starluck0:39
  7. lynmcm0:44
  8. tammyid0:45
  9. wshealy0:45
  10. vt11630:47


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@roxyblain70 Alvar is a solid guy who loves his meals. He's not chubby like Minikins, more muscular. And he's real sweet.


@beyondwords I've seen it even before I knew what it was called. Cats & kittens rarely do it on carpets or rugs. It is just another way of handling heat or humidity in the summer (even with fans or AC). Wild animals will do it outside - squirrels are often photoed.

But I have also seen splooting in winter, so I think some cats, especially kittens, simply like to relax that way, or copy what they see others do.


The well fed, and smiling cat has make a nice pose to cheer us with his photo.


Nice sploot. I don't think I remember any of our current cats splooting. Some of our former cats sometimes did it.


@Luutala Noticed Joulupukki is missing a reindeer in your latest puzzle. 😊


More jigsaw puzzles in the cats category

10 December 2020 - 1 April 2018
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