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My night time visitor.

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One night last year this Morepork (native owl) flew into the wall of our house. It actually let me stroke it (obviously a bit dazed) before it flew off into the night!
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  1. marunka2770:09
  2. brgos0:12
  3. laurajane0:12
  4. nessham0:14
  5. pumpkinhead0:14
  6. aubie0:15
  7. abel0:15
  8. NewSong0:16
  9. spruce0:16
  10. loveydear0:16


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spent ten years in new Zealand, and never saw one. a delightful creature. and definitely a once in a lifetime experience


It certainly was , heathercru.


Wonderful moment!


What a treat that was , glad it was alright.


one of life's magical moments!


I think he was only dazed, laurajane. It was great to get closed enough to stroke him.


I am sorry that he got hurt, but glad for you that you had this exeprience, Abel.


Warbler, I would imagine he made a mental note never to fly back this way for fear he would bump into THIS strange woman again.;-)

Cinderfire, like you I have a fondness for owls and although I wouldn’t have wished a crash -landing on the poor little thing, it was great to get so close and stroke it.;-)


Saw Florrie's comment about this owl so had to come and see it. Love owls and such a great thing to have happen-actually get to touch it. Wonderful experience. Thanks Abel. :O))


WHat a fantastic experience abel! I can't imagine its thoughts as it flew away...


Suzy and florrie, it was a once in a lifetime experience .:-)


What a wonderful moment for you! So glad he was okay after his run in with the wall.


Thank you for your comments, Robryan, els2 and cbmuller.
It was a lovely, little owl and although I did enjoy our short encounter I was relieved when it managed to fly off.


What a darling little owlet!


Nice way to "Pass it on."


What a little cutie abel - and I'm pleased he recovered & flew off!!

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