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Artist Svetlana Petrova finds a creative muse (or “mews”) in her ginger cat, Zarathustra, and the adorable fat feline has made its way into some of the most well-known works of art history. With crazed cat eyes, a fluffy belly, and a penchant for flowers, the creature seamlessly invades paintings to add his own dose of beauty while giving new meaning to them. In some of the images, he looks like he’s downright crashing the compositions—but in true cat fashion, he couldn’t care less.

In Petrova’s explanation of her cat art, she put a hilarious spin on how her work is made. She presents it as if Zarathustra is the true artistic genius who has an uncanny ability to improve paintings. “I am just a humble assistant to His Furry Majesty,” she says, “who kindly allows me to use all my painting, photography and Photoshop skills to insert his precious images into masterpieces of renowned artists of the past.”
Together, Petrova and Zarathustra have “revisited” more than 150 paintings and compiled them in a book titled Fat Cat Art: Famous Masterpieces
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  1. eyelvpuzls7:24
  2. Momonona9:56
  3. mlmccoy10:03
  4. RubyRu10:34
  5. neamtzu10:56
  6. Ledovec11:01
  7. 1majorpain11:30
  8. wonders11:37
  9. jewel212:08
  10. Satchel12312:32


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