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Monarch butterflies and honeybees disappeared from my yard many years ago. Three years ago, I started a small pollinator garden using five 4x4 raised frames. This year, some of the plants were mature enough to warrant investigation by both. Here, a monarch found a Joe Pye weed attractive. The orange flower is a swamp milkweed.

This is a summer photograph saved for posting once snow settled in.
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  1. Bemusement7:26
  2. robinlynnp12:02
  3. hanka4913:22
  4. Roger_Dot18:52
  5. viv2322:18


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Wonderful! I am so envious! Have been trying for years but obviously not doing the right things. Maybe next year I'll get it right...

I was delighted! I was surprised that so many located the flowers from their flying height. Apparently this is something scientists are still working on.



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