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My somewhat oddly-made Oldenburg, Carlos. He was the sweetest horse, but I think he felt awkward about his giantness!
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  1. Annick5:56
  2. moolycow8:50
  3. Thowra10:35
  4. slavka111:58
  5. MFraser12:52
  6. metatomatoes14:28
  7. SharonT17:54
  8. lsp4_318:42
  9. darcy1018:47
  10. DonaldAs19:08


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He was almost 17.3h which usually made him one of the bigger horses around :) and he was very long too, so he got the double stall at the farm. He had shivers and was afraid of accidentally kicking someone (I think) so he worried about that perhaps. But he was a gentle giant. I competed him in the Junior/Amateur Jumpers but in his older age he made a great school horse for the beginners!


We don't often see grey Oldenborg over here, they are mostly Black or Brown. But they were bred to be big so your Carlos was exactly as he was supposed to be. :-)

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