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  1. Ianto9:23
  2. djluka9:23
  3. ofehoyos9:58
  4. jrmc20310:01
  5. maryoz201410:42
  6. highlandmo110:54
  7. BlondnBrilliant12:36
  8. molly12:39
  9. JohnFleming12:45
  10. hoosie13:58


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But I want it!!! Thank you


Hello molly, and hello liane, hope you are both having a great day.
I came to thank molly for the visit, and solve, and congrats on
being on the leaderboard, I hope you come often and just wanted
you to know, I would love to hear your thoughts on the book related
puzzles that I post. liane, I hope you visit me too, and the same goes
for you. Always like to have some feedback, gives me 'energy and
endurance' to continue posting on Jigidi, as I have had problems with
trolls and stalkers, on here, I have plenty to keep me entertained, as
I have garden work and genealogy to do when I am not on jigidi.
I did quit once before, back in 2014, so it is always nice to hear some
pleasant feedback. Bib

hi molly
a sweet dog
I am glad that you like my puzzles :-)

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