This would be a lovely path to walk everyday. In a town near by there is a pond surrounded by trees. The local club put in boardwalks in certain areas to make it easier to walk. I have seen turtles sunning on logs leaning into the water and ducks floating in the water. So many wonderful things to see. Very calming walk...
It's not always easy dealing with our large assortment of personalities @1Be2Dun3 I'll have to take a look. Most of my negative experiences (not a large number fortunately) have happened on other people's sites.
We have one park, the closest nearby, that is almost entirely wooded. At least the trails are, there are ballfields nearby. But when we walk in the woods there it becomes cooler and quieter and there's always some sort of wildlife or plant to wonder at.
Today the wildlife was a cat in the bushes near the community garden. There are warm boxes and bowls of food close by for the feral cats there. The dogs found that very exciting! At home, we can lose ourselves in the trees in the back yard or go for the full sun meadow out front. It's great to have these opportunities to get out in nature.
I thought this puzzle would be difficult but it turned out to be quite enjoyable! 😃
Love this one! I used to walk through the woods a lot in my 'younger' days! Great seeing 4 puzzles today - and they each have a different vibe. I think I am on the better side of the long Covid - just still very tired. Thinking about getting back into publishing some puzzles but I am still reeling from some comments from a puzzler on one of my puzzles, so have to think a bit more.
Jigidi has given us a new option of seeing our published and unpublished puzzles separately. Last night I discovered I have over 200 unpublished puzzles, so the orphans will getting their chance! I'll be posting at least 3 a day, just expect some slow answers to comments... Thanks everyone! 🥰
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