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Baby Platypus stuffed toy being cute.

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Astonishing platypus fact: the platypus is one of the few living mammals to produce venom. Males have a pair of spurs on their hind limbs that secrete venom that is active only in breeding season, supporting the hypothesis that the use of venom is for competition for mates, not for protection. While the spur remains available for defence, outside of breeding season the platypus's venom gland lacks secretion. While the venom's effects are described as excruciatingly painful, it is not lethal to humans. Many archaic mammal groups possess similar tarsal spurs, so it is thought that, rather than having developed this characteristic uniquely, the platypus simply inherited its venom from its distant ancestors. Rather than being a unique outlier, the platypus is the last demonstration of what was once a common mammalian characteristic, and it can be used as a model for non-therian mammals and their venom delivery and properties. -- Wikipedia:
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  1. Dclo0:33
  2. Dilubreuer0:36
  3. JennyG660:39
  4. Erza500:42
  5. Robbos0:42
  6. Cornflakes0:42
  7. big_joe0:44
  8. goofus0:47
  9. cobra0:48
  10. Globwog0:48


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Well if that's the case, it's makes sense of the position it's in.


Correction, gang. This is indeed a stuffed toy platypus. The creator's real name had been stripped from my original source. Her name is Yuliya Leonovitch and she has a shop on Etsy.


No, malarky, just this one. I saw one in a river, thought I had been blessed, I was very lucky to see it. Fay.


Are there other kinds of platypus?


THE DUCKBILL PLATYPUS: When the first long dead platypus was taken back to England everyone thought it was a joke....pieces of different animals put together, that was the year 1799.

What a cutie


Hi @jerrys I knew the egg thing. And I may have heard about the poison thing once upon a time, but I'd definitely forgot about it until you comment, so thanks! These guys are so unique.


During mating season??!!? It's a wonder the species has survived! LOL I was surprised at how small these guys are when I actually saw one. I had thought they were about the size of a beaver.


@malarky This baby looks mighty cuddlsome.

Did you know:
... that the female platypus lays eggs from which the young hatch? This is one of three mammals to do so (echidnas and spiny anteaters are the others)
... that males have a spur on their hind legs that during mating season can inject a venom into victims? A unique trait among known mammals. (The venom is known to be non-fatal, but painful to humans.)


Only seen one in the wild. This baby is adorable, its underbelly looks so soft. Thanks for the post malarkey.


I haven't either. This is adorable!

I have never seen a baby platypus before! Thanks for sharing--so cute and fuzzy:)

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