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Clivia is a native plant from South Africa

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It’s a late blooming winter plant
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a nice day for you!


I agree, irmachac 2.


She's beautiful Clivia TFS


That’s true, Dilubreuer!


Wow! flower overload!


A friend gave me one years ago. However, I did not have success. There is a greenhouse That has them blooming in the wintertime. It’s fun to see them.
Thanks for the information, littlebuttercup.

Wonderful plant and EZ to winter over. I have a yellow blooming one as well as an orange, but the orange is really my favorite. In San Francisco they grow outside all year long, but mine stay in the garage until danger of frost is past. They like shade.


Glad you all agree with me, janclaire57, pumpkinhead, Wendy.


What a beautiful plant. I love that it is orange............Wendy


Is a pretty one, for sure!


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