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1976 Marblehead 50/800 type sailboat Orion

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108 pieces
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I built the boat a few years ago
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  1. cjpuzzles9:03
  2. MartinK9:19
  3. Xixao8011:29
  4. P9westy11:37
  5. caroleemwestlind12:20
  6. dc102114:36
  7. Eloise6215:25
  8. madale20:36
  9. Notme228:00


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As a child I really enjoyed watching model yachts sailing on lakes. Thanks for the memories. ⛵️


amazing job and nice picture too

It is remote controlled by radio. Rudder and both sheet lines are adjustable by you.
It will move just like a real sail boat with the wind.

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