" "Bikini Fear"
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Women's magazine illustration. Poland
Gosia Herba 1985- was born and raised in a small city of Olawa in southwest Poland. She started drawing as a child and is now a creator of books for children and graphic novels, as well as a freelance illustrator. For over 13 years she has been working for various publishers, magazines, music labels, and ad agencies. She has 100k followers on Instagram @gosiaherba. Gosia lives and works in Wroclaw, Poland.
Gosia Herba 1985- was born and raised in a small city of Olawa in southwest Poland. She started drawing as a child and is now a creator of books for children and graphic novels, as well as a freelance illustrator. For over 13 years she has been working for various publishers, magazines, music labels, and ad agencies. She has 100k followers on Instagram @gosiaherba. Gosia lives and works in Wroclaw, Poland.
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1 account; or 2 if you have a creative need for a second account - but this requires transparency in your profile descriptions that you hold both accounts. To trust each other and interact with our shoulders down and hearts soft, we all must know with whom we are communicating.
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