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H Van Kiosk

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We were on our way to St Tropez in 1994 somewhere near Ramatuelle and well, we just had to have some petrol.
What better use for the redundant van.
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  1. Trittonw5:31
  2. buellgary6:54
  3. Robson7:12
  4. kobiwan7:23
  5. hamcar7:23
  6. saj242225287:27
  7. Buick19557:29
  8. steve59117:38
  9. Sonny917:50
  10. Wingren7:54


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Thanks for your comment RickAgain and yes they are certainly very versatile, they also make rather good sheds.
I have quite a large collection of photos which I have taken while visiting France. I will be posting some more of them. Dennis.


Those seemed to have been used for just about everything.

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