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Canoeing Lake Morraine, Canada
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  1. Zajilu6:07
  2. jahrule7:15
  3. beatlecarol7:19
  4. bbb8:50
  5. msbonne8:50
  6. VeroniqueJusten9:50
  7. Hjalmar10:00
  8. Elrond10:25
  9. driver52910:26
  10. mikies10:29


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Thanks crashnot, and yes, I adore animals and like yourself, I prefer them to humans as animals are so honest. I don't have a lot of puzzle's on my page as I'm to busy solving everyone elses lol. I must post some more puzzles though and try to be as popular as you! I'm not into long flights either. The furthest I have been is Norfolk Island (an amazing wee island in the South Pacific). I pretty much resign myself to certain death once we are in the air....I'm not a fan lol. Thanks for passing by my page.


Hi Sue, I decided to check out your puzzles and came across this one. I actually skied Banff and the cross country skied the area when the downhill slopes closed. Of course, that was many years ago when I was young.

I can see we share the same value systems when I read your profile. I love our new home in the woods. We can't see any neighbors and because the lake is rocky there are no noisy motor boats. I truly enjoy my wild critters and actually have to admit I like them better than humans. They are different species and they all get along. If only humans could get along with our own species we'd all be better off.

I would have loved to visit New Zealand but I know I'll never get there. The plane ride would just be too outrageous and uncomfortable. But I do know people who have visited there and it's one of their favorite places in the world. I'm glad you are with a wonderful person in a wonderful place.


Soupee, Je vous remercie pour vos commentaires toujours aussi positifs sur les puzzles que je partage, cela me fait très plaisir et j'en profite pour vous envoyer un petit bonjour de le France !

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