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Selection of Australian Decimal Coins

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Note the four round 50 cent coins at the top of the picture, these were valued more for their silver content, (80% Silver, 20% Copper) and were bought by dubious sources, melted down and the silver extracted and sold for a higher value than the face value of the coins.
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  1. BrianCottrill11:09
  2. pitschedabber11:42
  3. missyminny12:03
  4. Alygator13:09
  5. puzz15:46
  6. AlanJeffries20:05


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Hello Brian, I believe the current going rate for one of these coins is $15 a piece.
Of course I wouldn't sell mine...

I believe I have some of these in my collection, but I can see plenty of others that I would like to have.

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