Love that Southern accent - "Dayum" is just so much more fun. --- But I only said you "could" be sent to the P office - if nobody snitches we'll be OK. I've definitely decided that I could praise the beauty of this incredible place While frolicking in bubbles.
Dayum...spent too much time in the principal's office waaaaay back when....ok. We'll put the bubbles in one of the other watering holes, and Mamita Terra should be ok with that, no? ;oP
And some things never change????? OK, some bubbles in the pool would be fun - but still - don't want to mess too much with Mother Nature or you could be sent to the principals office - or worse.
I was ready to make a joke about finding my shampoo and maybe some bubble bath for the pool but this is such a magnificent scene it would be sacrilege to do anything but praise its beauty. Thanks SV
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