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by Robert LaDuke

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by Robert LaDuke - Monument - 12x12
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  1. Dclo1:28
  2. rittim1:44
  3. mariolyn1:45
  4. joot1:46
  5. martinpw1:51
  6. hippo1:51
  7. TikkiBear1:59
  8. Ianto1:59
  9. ecoultas2:04
  10. kadeeken2:07


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Anyhow 🤗It's good to see Old Blue again and to know that he came out the winner at The Famous Tree Fight 👊🏽👊🏽


@egdoht I think the hood looks pretty odd -- surely the tops didn't used to open all the way down through the grill like that! Frankly, I don't expect a lot of reality from this man, I've seen how his mind works. 😊


@blurple53 Do you mean it looks like a REAL CAR, like a '47 or '48 Chevy as @egdoht suggests? or it looks like a REAL MODEL CAR, which I've heard he uses as "models" for his paintings??? 🤔


not quite a 47 or 48 chevy.. but almost🥺!

Something is wrong, this looks like a real model.....

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