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Theme: round and oval things

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The Big Apple is a bakery, restaurant and roadside attraction in the community of Colborne, part of the municipality of Cramahe, Northumberland County in Central Ontario, Canada. It just off Ontario Highway 401 at interchange 497 (Northumberland County Road 25/Percy Street) and is recognizable from the highway because of what it claims is the world's largest apple.[1]
With a height of 10.7 metres (35 ft) and diameter of 11.6 metres (38 ft), the Big Apple features an observation deck.
The site also features a petting zoo and other amenities.
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  1. like921150:06
  2. BANDYTA0:07
  3. wjl10150:08
  4. silvakizir0:08
  5. wigma0:09
  6. jimbos0:09
  7. patsquire0:09
  8. Camellia0:09
  9. treker0:10
  10. judyjjinx0:11


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