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" Are We Going Anywhere ? "

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After returning from errands tonight, closing outside garage door, and unpacking car, let anyone who wanted to go into garage. Came back to witness this scene within minutes.

Ever since first training them for car trips to the vet when in their respective kittenhoods (from parent to children), then going on the thousands of miles adventure to the bed & breakfast and back last Fall, they have adored the car - exterior & interior.
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  1. Ianto0:46
  2. Jaz93660:51
  3. Ohmyword0:51
  4. vala881:00
  5. tricia221:07
  6. Finnegan1:11
  7. Starluck1:14
  8. Kermit_h31:14
  9. Safik1:20
  10. brittmarieek1:26


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No, neither Ginger nor Ebony is very fond of boxes, except very shallow ones. And none of our cats have ever worn a collar or a harness.
Mango and Papaya will follow food. Ginger and Ebony often eat in regular places, but often make us follow them to feed them. And then we have to guard Ebony to keep Mango and Papaya from stealing his food.
Ginger and especially Ebony were a huge challenge for their first period with us. Once we had some breakthroughs we should have started training all our cats rather than being okay with their training us.


@beyondwords If Ginger & Ebony like to go in boxes, you could put an open carrier inside and try. Or you could only put their regular food at meal time nearer and nearer ... then inside to an open carrier. I use both soft, canvas, and hard carriers depending on the cats, kittens, needs, or trips. My Maine Coon and Ragdoll never used carriers. The Maine Coon especially liked visiting with dogs at the vets. They were harness trained and my vet (a personal friend, too) didn't require them to be in carriers. They've passed on and she's retired.


@beyondwords Ginger & Ebony sound like they have their own agenda and maybe when feral, traps were laid out, scared them, so they learned never to trust carriers. Could be problemsome if ever an emergency. I had an older rescue who went in carriers all the time, until she had a bad experience with a vet tech. From them on I had to put her head first with the carrier on end to go to the vet. At the vet's office, first place she wanted to return to was the carrier - because now it meant home.


Our two skittish cats (formerly feral) have never been to the vet, partly because we could never get them in a carrier. We left a carrier open in a favourite spot with a favourite towel inside, and tried favourite foods & treats, catnip, favourite toys, & more. Our other two cats were happy to go in and grab the bait, or just settle down there, so we had to shut them in another room for a while. Ginger & Ebony sometimes walked by, and maybe even sniffed, but never went in as far as we know.


@Bugster I was taught that instead of only hauling out carriers as a negative reminder of a trip to the vet, carriers should be left out, on and off, as play areas/other bed choices to explore. 🐱 I've added the toys and catnip to find in carriers. 😸 Or a new blanket, etc. 😻Then I added putting an open carrier or two in the car in the closed garage with the car doors open. 🥳They'd explore them there, too. It has worked for me even with the older fosters - Starlight Baby came as an adult feral. Just don't get forgetful like I did when packing the car for a trip, and let your car battery die. 😄


Wish I'd known you back then. 💕


@Bugster Since their parents loved the carriers, they helped pass on the same to their offspring by playing with them inside the different ones. Also, Starlight Baby had shown the parents that vet visits were no big deal travelling with them for appointments and weighing. The car is special, too - sometimes they find treats inside when the doors are open. 💕💖💕


I'm always impressed with your family. I wanted to train my boys, but gave up too soon.


@beyondwords Makes sense to me - they love you, so let's share the car, too. My windshield usually has a cat paw trail. 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐱


Two of our cats are most interested in getting on the hood of my car (in the garage) when it's dirty so they can leave their footprints as evidence of their visit.


@eagleslair It's either that or they're hoping I'll teach at least one of them how to drive. 🤭They've also learned to associate different things with good times AND tube treats. The car is definitely on their list. 😄


Perhaps discussing potential future road t rips ? They do look very relaxed. I had one large boy named Lincoln who went with us on many trips usually laying across the eindshield deck so he could help navigate. Your fur kids are delightful. barb


@Ohmyword They constantly hang out together someplace, but tonight the sunroof was real popular. 🤗 Maybe the glass was cool from the car's AC? 🤨 I never open it unless packing larger crates to travel. Then I have to set them up from the sunroof down and close it after. There's always at least one napping on the sun roof, if the inside garage door is open. 🙄


Nice to see kitties getting along so well up there.

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8 February 2019 - 17 June 2013
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