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Love’s Jewelled Fetter (The Betrothal Ring)

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The artwork in Today's Daily Jigsaw Puzzle is titled "Love’s Jewelled Fetter (The Betrothal Ring)", and the artist is Lawrence Alma-Tadema ♥

Lawrence Alma-Tadema (1836-1912) was a Dutch-born British painter known for his depictions of the luxury and decadence of the Roman Empire.

His works often feature marble textures and intricate details, capturing scenes of ancient leisure with an almost photographic realism. Unusually, Alma-Tadema's fascination with classical antiquity extended to his personal life; his London home was adorned with Roman-inspired decor and artifacts.

Despite early criticism, his meticulous attention to historical accuracy and sumptuous scenes won him acclaim. His art influenced Hollywood, inspiring set designs for epic films like "Ben-Hur" and "Cleopatra."

You can find more information on Lawrence Alma-Tadema here
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Nice background of the bay or river but so many flowers in the foreground really had me going for awhile 😀😀😀Ty Jigidi 😜😀😀


Thank you. --8-4-24

detail is incredible - probably possible to identify the background


Thank you good selection


Another beauty. Thanks once more 😊


WOW, influenced Hollywood, inspiring set designs in "Ben-Hur" and "Cleopatra." That is something, not many know. Thanks.

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