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Spot the Snow Leopard camouflage challenge

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Originally, the French word for "snow leopard" was "lonce", which led to confusion that the word was "once", because in French, one says the word "the" (le or la, depending on gender) before a word starting with a vowel, as "L" as in "l'ami" (the friend). Hence people thought the cat was "l'once" (the snow leopard) as opposed to the correct lonce (snow leopard). The word made it into the English language morphed to "ounce" as a name for this cat - though I've never heard it called that. I sorta like it.
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  1. rsmateo5:31
  2. msbonne5:32
  3. suekev115:36
  4. alias2v6:07
  5. S209J6:07
  6. klmc7:08
  7. cheldanzis7:12
  8. suzanne477:12
  9. dendro7:23
  10. workerbee7:34


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isn't it!




Couldn't agree more. Their beauty, grace, colouring, and reclusiveness make them kind of special.

I had an ex who called me snow leopard... I took it as a huge compliment.


Far and away the most beautiful of the big cats, in my opinion.


Right? I commend the photographer for catching sight of it in the first place - they are notoriously hard to find, they're very shy of humans, and they live in the alpine areas of the Himalaya. Hence the very fuzzy tail - they curl up to sleep with it covering feet, nose, and underbody, like a thick quilt, so they can sleep in their sub-zero habitat. And you are welcome for the puzzle! glad you like it.


If its head was down looking at something on the ground right in front of it, it would be nearly impossible to see it if it didn't move. I didn't realize they had a big tail, like mountain lions. Thanks for puzzle, and the words, too.

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