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"Hey big Bro, Ma says you're really slow today and maybe you should come have some breakfast"

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35 pieces
59 solves
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  1. like921151:17
  2. ukiepower1:18
  3. Ianto1:22
  4. lelabugosi1:36
  5. rockbit1:36
  6. jcturn1:48
  7. ctf3211:50
  8. mblauser1:57
  9. Kaya1:58
  10. JohnG2:00


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Groan!!!!! groaning and laughing at the same time. - good thing I can mult-task.


Yes, very difficult which might be part of the problem with my solve times. ----- Soooo, you need cataracts removed too.


What lovely brother mice you have!.....(It must be hard to tell them apart!)....


"OK, but not too much cheese."

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