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01 Ducati 900SS 1975

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I had one of these magnificent motorcycles at the beginning of 1976 exactly as you see it here, bought it new from the store, still in the shipping crate, pre-delivered it myself and when I first kicked that beautiful engine into life the sound was something to behold, like a symphony, the first ride so exciting.
An absolutely rock steady motorcycle, very responsive and so much fun to ride.
Ahhh, those were the days....
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bandit your son is wise and obviously cares about you, yes it wouldn't QUITE be the same but would still be so much of a thrill to feel the wind on your face and just cruising along


My son told me to go for it and get a trike, but it wouldn't be the same.


good on you bbandit, you have 11 years on me but I'm guessing you enjoyed doing what you did when you were younger as we all did.
Life is still good, there are many people a lot worse off than us, it's just a matter of enjoying what we have and remembering "the good old days"!


Yep, a beauty. 83 years now with 2 shot hips and 2 shot knees. If I could still get my leg over the saddle, i'd own a Harley Ultra Glide.

Beauty !!

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