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1. Mouse eats grapes. 2. Grapes ferment in stomach. 3. One drunk mouse, coming up!

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"My name is Ellen van Deelen, I live in Europe, the Netherlands. I love photography and my favorite subjects are Macro-photography, little animals, portraits and street photography.
I love taking ladybird photos, in photoshop I added a few filters.
I used to paint and draw and started to paint again few years ago. Music and dance are also hobbies of mine. Besides photography, I have done several courses for photoshop. I use photoshop a lot for my photography."
-Ellen van Deelen
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  1. greet490:41
  2. kareng0:43
  3. Jaz93660:44
  4. Ianto0:53
  5. Jackie481:01
  6. Londerla1:01
  7. jackandzoe1:03
  8. maggie40721:10
  9. MHB1:10
  10. jbprols1:12


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Thanks, kiddo. Saturday we went to IKEA and I got a great improvement for my kitchen, and some other help, too. And also the LEGO store where I got a good-size (1050 pieces) R2-D2 for my other daughter. LEGO has gotten so trendy that the CHILDREN who work there know almost nothing about Star Wars and never even heard of Firefly!


So happy you had 'the best Father's day in many years,' Pat! Good for you! ☺🌟


Hello and thanks, everyone! I've been celebrating Father's Day with my daughter's family. Just got back. The grandkids helped put on a concert at church yesterday morning, and then the "snacks downstairs" turned out to be an enormous pot luck lunch because so many of the wives wanted to honor their husbands. It was a feast!

My best Father's Day in many years. My card had a picture of a fish on the front, wearing a tie and a fedora. Inside it said "Please enjoy this Father's Day cod." ☺


Congrats everyone.


Congrats to Patsquire on great caption!
Congrats to all winners!
Thank you Bernadette for 'Special Citation' Award!


Thank you for honorable mention!☺


Well done Pat! Well done all winners. 😁


🍷 a toast to @patsquire !


Congrats everyone. Thank you for 3rd. Bernadette.




Congrats to @patsquire for a fun caption!
Thanks to,
@railrunner53 (2nd place)🌟
@Kalola (3rd place)🌟
@maggie4072 (All Mine Award)🌟
@NinnyBob (Special Citation)🌟
@JoHe (Photo Shoot Award)🌟
@jandchris (Tiny Thief Award)🌟
@rachiepachie71 (Ratsberries Award)🌟
@irisriver (Honorable Mention)🌟
For being good sports and good captioneers!

I Love these Ratsberries!


"No one will notice if I steal a few of these".


It aint easy being rich& famous but I grin and bear it. No one likes a sour grape! grins!☺


1. Mouse eats grapes.
2. Grapes ferment in stomach.
3. One drunk mouse, coming up!


Don't move, they said. You can have it all when the photo shooting is done...


LOL! 😀


I ordered cheese, and the waiter brought - grapes? What's with that?


"Grapes of wRATh"


I will sing and play you a tune for my supper.


Mine, mine, all mine!

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