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TR6 with new top

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1974 TR6 just home from getting a new top.
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  1. hiu13891:02
  2. buellgary1:11
  3. Ianto1:11
  4. kadee1:16
  5. Qoquaq1:19
  6. downsman1:23
  7. patsquire1:25
  8. jimbob771:29
  9. ceegster1:29
  10. GLMFAA11:36


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I had one.


All great cars, light, fast and wonderful to drive.

I had a TR 250 also, the transmission was the weak link because the torque of the six cylinder was considerably higher than the TR4.
I started in 1964 with a Tr4 with SU Carbs, then came the TR4A I think then they changed to the Zenith-Stromberg then The Tr4A IRS followed by the TR250 and eventually the TR6. Both the TR 250 and TR6 being six cylinders had 3 carburetors, they were all side draft. I still have the gadget for synchronizing the carbs.
My last Tr4A IRS had the electric overdrive and the surrey top.


What a classic sports car! In 1968 I had a Triumph TR-250, the only year it was made. It was the transition from the TR-4A four-cylinder model to a six-cylinder car with a smoother, more powerful engine. It worked! So the next year they changed the body a little and renamed it the TR-6. They're fast and agile and man, do they hug the road.

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