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Lake Strbske Pleso, High Tatras National Park, Slovakia

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In Today’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle, we visit the High Tatras National Park in Slovakia. It is a UNESCO-protected area and the oldest national park in Slovakia (established in 1949).

Renowned for its unique alpine biodiversity, it boasts towering peaks, some exceeding 2,600 meters, around 300 caves, and over 100 glacial lakes. Among these is Strbske Pleso Lake, which we see in Today’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle. The lake is situated at 1,346 meters and is a popular hub for winter sports, including skiing and ice skating, and in summer, it offers beautiful hiking trails.

Would you like to go there? Come along ♥ (and please wear sensible shoes - (and please wear your sensible shoes. We'll be going on a (stunning) hike up Mount Krivan, which has an elevation of 2495 meters 💪)
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  1. mvt3:38
  2. jmd273:41
  3. JG5463:55
  4. Malta4:41
  5. foxyroxy3365:04
  6. Piskulka5:04
  7. woody575:15
  8. bexster5:21
  9. lindelisse5:23
  10. karensb5:23


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Great puzzle. Such rich fall colors with a touch of winter already on the mountaintops. Thank you for adding your puzzle to the collection. I really enjoyed doing it.


We will have to find the boat owner if we want to ride on the water. The scene is perfect for a trip today. Can't hike but could get into the boat with some help.

Thank you for this pleasure.


great scene and thank you. 5-28-23



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