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Nope! Not a Pillow!

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Laviini is a bit mistaken in his choice of pillow. His sister Missy's rump is not - but neither cared. 🤭
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@Bugster Doesn't he look uncomfortable? You'd think someone glued him to her 🙄 and he was forced to stay that way. But it is endearing as you say. 💞 He just had to be next to his sister.


Cats crack me up with that need to touch. It's very endearing. 💕


@1254GAgirl They really do. I always encouraged my friends to adopt two at minimum from the litters I raised over the years.

Once close friends wanted a kitten a year after their senior cat & dog died within two weeks of each other. They wanted me to choose one of my rescues from a litter of four that were ready for forever homes. I refused to choose one for them and brought all four to their house for them to make a selection ... They adopted all four! The stories they'd tell of those four who absolutely loved their spoiled life with them.

Litter mates usually cling to each other when they aren't separated. So sweet!


@1254GAgirl So true. He'll fall asleep anywhere but then often wake up to seek out a parent or a sibling. He's so big, but still a baby.


@beyondwords Glad you're recovering more each day. It's been many battles, but you're winning the war! 🤗

Just had to touch his sister.



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11 November 2019 - 7 June 2014
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