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The Pirate Ship, Cortes Island, BC

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This is a live-aboard, he is anchored in front of the General Store in Squirrel Cove on Cortes Island. He is the nicest guy, I met him a few times in the morning when he was walking the dog and I was walking mine.
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  2. like921150:46
  3. Malta0:50
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  5. moon89620:59
  6. Robbos1:03
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Good for you Ank! You must have a bigger boat then, lots of fun!


We were often on our boat in winter. If you have a good heating it's no problem. Of course, your boat must be equipped for the winter. Good insulation is very important. In the winter it is nice and quiet on the water, we loved it.


Yes, I think it would be cool to live on a boat. I am just wondering how it would be in the winter when it is damp and cold. Thanks for stopping by, Ank and Cathy!


You also often see that in NL. Live-aboard. There are many places where they can moor for free. That's more easy. But I think being anchored in front of that store is great too. :-)))


Another great picture!! Thanks Halverblue.

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