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by Reg Mummery - After the late shift

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  1. Polokoza1:01
  2. moppie1:08
  3. hippo1:09
  4. Ianto1:11
  5. jodievans1:13
  6. GalBr1:14
  7. kimmandel1:15
  8. mariolyn1:18
  9. martinpw1:19
  10. kareng1:24


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Nice long winter FENCE.


@landal - Summer is not my favorite, mostly because the heat does me in so badly. I've lived in Delaware (where I was born), Vermont, Massachusetts, Missouri, Louisianna, Georgia, Oklahoma, Michigan and even Germany and Switzerland. In all kinds of weather in each state. Summer just never excited me. Now, Autumn and Spring - bring them on! I tolerate and look forward to winter simply because I can keep piling the layers on, whereas summer - I'd get arrested if I took off the few layers I actually wear!!


I remember that late shift 😀Start 11pm at night and finish 7am in the morning 🥱Was a devil to get up for it but i got used to it after awhile


BTW, I remember that man and his dog. Might be the man, but it would have to be a different dog, sad to say. ❤️


@1Be2Dun3 The one thing I know for a fact about weather is there's always another season we think would be better. Then it gets here! ⛈️ We are loving our daily thunderstorm cycle that's going on now.


I wonder if this is the man and his dog when he was younger!! After the heat of this summer, so far, I am very ready for some snow! ❄️🎄😜🐈‍⬛🐈


Jigidi has given us a new option of seeing our published and unpublished puzzles separately. Last night I discovered I have over 200 unpublished puzzles, so the orphans will getting their chance! I'll be posting at least 3 a day, just expect some slow answers to comments... Thanks everyone! 🥰

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