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The Garden today 5/4/2014

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Some roses in my front yard are Ebb Tide, At Last, and Red and Pink Knockouts.
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It is my delight to inspire you, Pam and Mila! Thank you for visiting my roses.


LOL I have been inspired also! Great role model!


Martha, you know that I love your garden. I went out and tackled some of the blackberry and morning glory. It's going to take some time, but I'm inspired. Hugs. 💕❤️💕


I do sit for some garden shores, but like for planting is difficult because of how low we have to go down. I haven't found the perfect garden seat that does not hurt my knees. I have used my walker that has a seat but the wheels get dirty if it has rained or my husband needs to bring more pine-needles. The seat is also a bit too high so not good for planting either. It all gets so complicated when we get older. But I keep trying, would not give up.


Understood. I, too, have bad back pain from osteoarthritis. That is why I sit to garden, but you cannot plant while sitting. Enjoy the gorgeous roses you already have in your garden!


Oh yes saw the Julia Childs it is beautiful! Looking forward to the photos when it blooms. When I go to the garden places I have to think of my back pain and my bad hands that hurt from the pruners. I really can't add more.


Mila, the rose in this picture is a peach color. My camera and the lighting modified the hue. It is much prettier than shown here. Not shown is a brand new yellow rose named after Julia Childs. It is not yet blooming but has buds.

Nancy, the roses smell delicious! The edging consists of natural, selected stones inserted into a manmade border! ;D)



Martha beautiful photo's today! Do these roses smell as nice as they look? I am wondering if the edging is natural or looks really nice! I saw this early in the morning, and was going to ask you to have a cup of coffee out there for me, but had a dandelion to attend to :)) Thank you for sharing your beautiful flowers!


I can't match the yellow one to those names, or is it the "orange" At Last?

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