Yes I’ve had several red tabbies. They were all sweet boys. The polydactyl cats from the keys are sometimes called Hemingway cats, as he had several. :-)
I haven't heard that saying toto...I never had a my "tour of the states" days I found a cat in the keys and he had 8 toes on one foot......he was a stray and I kept him with me all the time after that...and had him for about 10 was on weird
thanks horse....and "wow" .....I have had fresh milk....but making whip cream "fresh from the cow" would be great......that is amazing to this city
no I don't have any spice cake........I am not "partial" to it......but the gingerbread is good ( I think)???? it is very light..not heavy/solid......if you know what I mean.....I like it like that??
it just so happens i stopped making gingerbread because i never found a recipe that i liked eough to make it again. do you have a good recipe for spice cake? hehe, sorry gallopping gourmetesse
just as a bit of an explain......I was supposed to post a brownie recipe and I goofed....the brownie recipe is up now......and I will leave it for a few days and then discard....I don't think too many people are interested in recipe puzzle........LOL.....robin
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