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Thx Pedro Alves

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Pedro Alves is a young portuguese architect who is absolutely crazy about drawing - I think it's his way of breathing. This sketch has been drawn according to one of his own.
Now, just have a look at his work:
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  1. mydoghasfleas10:02
  2. Iampaul10:54
  3. rato4u11:48
  4. Bill_I_Am11:55
  5. Mebbie212:22
  6. kreasbeck12:45
  7. koki12:56
  8. knd11913:09
  9. ekdugger13:39
  10. McClock13:53


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Hello, mydogetc, of course that makes sense, since it's what you feel. Thanks for your words!


I have to say, though, after looking through his work, I like your version better. It is less cluttered and the buildings seem to have more of a personality. I like that your buildings stand around and chat and brag and swagger with each other. If that makes any sense at all.


I think I need a nap. ;-)


Yes they do. It can be exhausting to have a look at all that.... :o[


I know. They go on, and on, and on...


I'm glad you liked his sketches, Bill! They are really compelling! And they are so many.........


Wow, Pedro is really talented. Just like you! I'm glad he's breathing healthily. Thanks, Fernando! ☺

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