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Lily the cat stories 124 - Window wide open (2 of 2)

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In this picture:
Those things look good to climb and sit on, as Lily decides if she should go for it. 'One small step for a tiger, one giant leap for Lily,' lol.

Next in the series:

(Lily's bio is at the end).

To see videos of Lily (in a playlist), see channel link here:


For the previous picture of Lily, see here:

For the first in Lily pictures, see here:

To start from Lily picture number 40, see here:

To start from Lily picture number 80, see here:

To see all Lily pictures together, click the 'Puzzle' tab, 'Search' tab and type in 'Lily cat'.


Lily's biography:

Lily is a rescue cat and was 7 years old when she finally got her 'forever home' in late 2016. She can be timid and can be shocked easily but is lovingly looked after now.

Favourite things: Sleeping, running, feather game, 'stinky mouse' (toy), looking out the window, the halogen heater, taking over the laptop, watching TV and petted when she demands it on her mum's lap. Supermonk lives there too but has to remain hidden for most of the time now, lol.

We will see how she progresses and tries to take Supermonk & Cheeky Monkey's thunder, with what she gets up to.

For an image of CM & SM see here:
(From here you can start from the beginning series of CM & friends if you like).
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Glad you got her back safe and sound.---------------Molly


Yes and there may be a picture or two - but she timid and has door darted out the front a couple of times and has got frightened, so has to remain in now. We'll see what happens in the future though.

So did she go for it?-----------Molly

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