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Snow at my mall

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Winter came late this year
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  1. dalelawler0:21
  2. like921150:23
  3. Harno0:29
  4. era40:30
  5. puzzeljac0:30
  6. Jegics0:32
  7. 808earline0:32
  8. Ianto0:33
  9. riveroad0:33
  10. evepat0:34


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Yes, I love Bosleys, they are my favourite Tenant. I go and visit often, they are right beside my office.


Looks like a nice mall ... with a great view!! We have a Bosley's on Lonsdale Ave. Great store for pet lovers. There are special stalls along the back wall where you can give your dog a bath. They provide a very comfortable convenient place and all the necessities ... but you do the actual work.


Wow, I don't hope we will have the same. We still don't have winter. I can imagine you love that view. ☺


No, this was early in the morning. It filled up by lunch time. I am working there now for 3 years but I still enjoy the view of Mount Benson in the background every morning!

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