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Potpourri351 - Large - rj

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256 pieces
194 solves
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For smaller puzzle sizes 0 to 150 pieces please see "InConcert35_Small". For all small puzzles pre June 2016 please check all old puzzles in the archives of InConcert35.

"InConcert35" is used for all large puzzles sized 150 to 400. Enjoy! :D

~ Robyn ~
Please feel free to call me Robyn in lieu of InConcert35. :D
All images created by InConcert35.
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  1. mom2beat12:39
  2. troutmma13:51
  3. Ellei17:47
  4. Lauramae_7819:32
  5. Missie19:56
  6. pianocatsandtea20:40
  7. pootersox20:47
  8. mosaiclover21:18
  9. Ladders21:59
  10. Hexter21:59


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So many squares to choose from, but my favorite is almost in the middle. It is right below the purple with the yellow star. I thought it was kind of pretty when I assembled it. This is a great colorful bunch of squares and it made for a very bright puzzle. It was lots of fun to put together. Thank you so much!


Hi John. You're very welcome. My pleasure. :D


Thanks Robyn.

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