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Beautiful Wales 1 - Brecon Beacons

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Beauty at Night

Pen y Fan (pen uh van) is the highest peak in south Wales, UK. It is situated in the Brecon Beacons National Park. It stands at 886 metres (2,907 ft) above sea-level. The twin summits of Pen y Fan and Corn Du at 873 m (2,864 ft) were formerly referred to as Cadair Arthur or 'Arthur's Seat'.

I grew up in the shadow of these hills, (locally called mountains!) and they have always influenced me in an almost spiritual way.
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  1. intrepidmel3:22
  2. pooh26sf4:30
  3. Mangovast4:45
  4. leeda5:03
  5. jobo2mi5:18
  6. MemeLeslie4ua5:19
  7. JUNKMAN5:27
  8. Putten5:33
  9. Mapman5:41
  10. SBReeves5:45


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Beautiful. To someone who grew up in the Scottish Highlands the Brecons are surprising and magical.


That is a very lovely image abihook and a pleasure to complete as a jigsaw. Thank you.


Gorgeous!! I've always wanted to visit Wales. TFS

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